Thursday, April 24, 2008

Re: KCB201 Asmnt2 Criterion Matrix Query

To all my fellow KCB201ers - during tutorials today we had some discussions about the criterion matrix for assignment two - specifically the "evidence of participation in online social networks and critical interaction with peers" section. Below is my email correspondence with Axel:

"Hi Axel,

During my tutorial today there has been considerable debate about interpreting section four of the criterion matrix for assignment two.

It seems to be the understanding of myself and my peers that "evidence of participation in online social networks and critical interaction with peers" related to your comments on other blogs and does not apply to your actual blog entries. Our tutor Thomas has interpreted this section of the criteria as relating to your comments as well as how you link out to other resources in your blog and comment on these resources in the text of your blog.

Could you please clarify this?

Thanks, it’s appreciated by me and my peers!


And very prompt response:

"G'day Ella !

Thanks for getting in touch about this. Please also have a look at the way the required standard for this criterion is described for each grade, which might help explain it further:

* at the very basic level, we expect you to engage with your peers via comments on their blogs (and responses to their comments on yours, where appropriate) - what we're looking for here, and what will be seen as evidence of more sophisticated engagement, are constructive and insightful comments and intelligent and respectful discussion: in other words, a mere "I agree" or off-topic remarks won't rate as well as thoughtful responses which promote further discussion between you and with others

* at a more sophisticated level, you'll find that bloggers also often conduct discussion and debate not simply by commenting on one another's blogs, but by posting substantial responses on their own blog which pick up on topics explored by others (these could be your fellow students, or outside bloggers and others authors whose work you have found online) and add significant further original thought - we would see this as evidence of a higher level of social networking and interaction with peers

So, put simply: if you see interesting ideas on someone else's blog and add a comment there, then that's a start (and the more insightful and constructive the comment, the better you'll do as we mark you on this criterion).

If you see someone else's post or article, and this inspires you to publish an original blog post of your own in which you link to and engage in substantial dialogue with their ideas (perhaps even getting a real back-and-forth conversation going), then that's an even more sophisticated way of engaging in critical interaction with your peers.

I hope that helps ?"

And I hope this helps some of you! All the best with everyone’s assessments!


Samara said...

Wow! Once again Ella proves her genius. i'm fairly behind in this assignment and am typing this at work as we speak! Thank you for being the organised one once again :-)

Cool James said...

yeah nice one, thanks for sharing.

NB13 said...

Thanks so much mate! Excellent work! A lot of the content and the way it is structured in this course is quite brain scratching so its good to have someone so on the ball! Three cheers for Ella!